Perl books

Begginer books and recommended reads.

Learning Perl, 7th Edition

by Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom Phoenix; 394 pages; O'Reilly Media, Inc.; (October 2016)

A tutorial book, covering how you could spend the first 30 to 40 hours with Perl. The seventh edition covers up to Perl 5.24. Reflecting years of classroom testing and experience, this edition is packed with exercises that let you practice the concepts while you follow the text.

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Beginning Perl (2012)

by Curtis "Ovid" Poe. 744 pages. Wrox Press Inc. (September 19, 2012).

The latest Perl book targeting new Perl programmers is unique in that it focuses heavily on 'real world Perl' rather than the latest and greatest features. Despite the title of the book, this is far more than a beginner's book. By the time you're finished with the last chapter, you'll have finished building a Web application to fight DMCA takedown notices. Using tools such as DBIx::Class, Catalyst, Moose, Plack, and many others, this book teaches you the technologies that employers are asking for, but assumes no prior knowledge of Perl.

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Beginning Perl (2000)

by Simon Cozens, Peter Wainwright. 700 pages. Wrox Press Inc. (May 25, 2000).

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Although a bit old, this book is available online for free, it is useful for learning some of the basics of Perl, once you have mastered these then look at the Modern Perl book (also online for free) below for more current best practices.

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Modern Perl

by chromatic (2015).

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Modern Perl is suitable for programmers of every level. It's more than a Perl tutorial—only Modern Perl focuses on Perl 5.20 and 5.22, to demonstrate the latest and most effective time-saving features. Only Modern Perl explains how and why the language works, to let you unlock the full power of Perl.

Buy from: - Amazon UK - Powells

Beginning Perl, 3rd Edition (2010)

by James Lee; 464 pages; Apress, LLC; (Mar 2010)

Beginning Perl is a different kind of Perl book. It's written particularly with the beginning programmer in mind, but experienced programmers will not feel patronised. It covers a lot of ground, from the very basics of programming, right through to developing CGI applications for the web. More importantly, it emphasises good Perl practice, and readable and maintainable code.

Buy from: - Amazon UK - Powells

More books

See Perl book library for a bigger list of recommended books at all levels.